What does “order” mean to you?
I’ve named this blog “All in Order,” because that’s the comfortable feeling many of us seek when we first set out to begin our “organizing journey.” What qualities might accompany your home, office, life, or schedule being “in order?” My clients have expressed the following:
- Calm
- Assurance
- Efficiency
- Relaxation
- Comfort
- A reflection of spiritual well-being
- A sense of “just rightness,” and
- Peace, among many others.
But since each of us has unique needs, we each have our own definition of what being organized means. There is no one system that meets everyone’s needs. That’s why it is important to start any new organizing project, whether it be your whole house, one room, or one drawer – or embarking on a search for a new career or a revisiting of your purpose – with a vision.
Your vision, and your definition of order, can be as big as a new, grand plan for your home or your life, or as distinct as one specific change you want to make. Here are a few examples, both large and small:
- “Everything I need (plus some of what I want), where and when I need it, no more, no less.”
- “A place for everything and everything in its place, and a willingness to take the time to restore things to their places on a regular basis.”
- “When I know what’s for dinner that night as soon as I wake up in the morning.”
- And this, from before the time of social distancing and no – or few – unexpected visitors: “I see someone pulling up into my driveway. By the time they ring the bell, my home is in order and presentable.”
- “Keeping an inventory of what I use so I never run out.”
- “Keeping a calendar – just one calendar – to keep track of time and appointments.”
- “Managing the flow of information: emails, texts, calls, visits, through the day and the week.”
- “Not forgetting important events, like friends’ birthdays.”
- “Everything around me is beautiful, peaceful, and harmonious.”
What is your definition of order? What is your vision? How are you going to attain it? I’d like to hear from you, and, as always, I’m here to help you attain your vision.
Your comments and organizing questions are welcome. You can reach me here or at gail@gailshapiro.com.
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